

Verhofstadt: We need a true European government, a true European democracy, a real European budget, a European treasury

Source: blogs.ft.com Best advocacy for a European Fed I have heard so far. Quotes from Guy Verhofstadt’s speech to ELDR Party Congress in November 2012: The US has 103% of public debt and are paying less than 2% interest rate. And the Japanese – the world record holders – have a debt of 226%, double […]

Verhofstadt: We need a true European government, a true European democracy, a real European budget, a European treasury Read More »

Want to win them back? Empower!

Democracy is trust. Democracy is so hugely misunderstood in the post-Soviets. You often hear people believe democracy is a majority’s dictatorship, it’s all about voting, and voting is of course easy to rig, because the majority is always blind and stupid, so democracy is just hot air to cover up for manipulations and crimes. You

Want to win them back? Empower! Read More »

What are Latvia’s national interests, Mr Prime Minister?

I have been wondering, why on earth doesn’t PM Dombrovskis have any particular opinion on things? I mean not the hard cut-downs, but things like Rail Baltica or, say, the use of the language. Yesterday I saw an article on Rail Baltica in an early-April issue of The Baltic Times. The article was called something like “Private

What are Latvia’s national interests, Mr Prime Minister? Read More »