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Putin’s Russia: a no-touch zone

Putin’s coterie. Photo: Associated Press “The indifference to the fate of international air passengers was an echo of Russian events in the not so distant past,” David Satter writes in the American Interest here. Why should it stop? Why should Putin change his mind and start respecting other people’s lives? What would make his callous

Putin’s Russia: a no-touch zone Read More »

Safe next to Russia? Don’t fool yourself

Messages from Captain Obvious. What good is supposed to come about through tonnes of deliberate lies and utter lawlessness taking advantage of violent thugs and their addiction to harass, bully and humiliate the weaker? How’s capturing buildings and the act of civil defiance in Kiev different from that in Donetsk and other East Ukrainian places?

Safe next to Russia? Don’t fool yourself Read More »

Putins ir jāaptur

Vai Baltijas valstis tiešām varētu kļūt par Putina nākamo upuri? No racionālā viedokļa skatoties, pašas par sevi Baltijas valstis Putinu interesēt nevar. Šobrīd nav ne 16., ne 19., ne pat 20. gadsimts, un ostas pakalpojumus var pirkt, pat ja politiskās attiecības ir saspīlētas. Vēl jo vairāk ja galvenā eksportprece tiek transportēta pa cauruļvadiem. Bez tam,

Putins ir jāaptur Read More »