
It’s worthwhile to keep your eyes open. This graph shows what Valdis Dombrovskis has done for Latvia. Here we have the dynamics of industrial output in Latvia since Jan 2005. Dombrovskis’s first cabinet was sworn in late February 2009, when Latvia’s economy hit the bottom. It has kept growing ever since and no one knows for how long yet. I am not trying to say it had waited for Dombrovskis to stop plunging. Of course, it started growing because it simply couldn’t shrink any further and any move from the bottom is only up. Or is it just up? Well, it was up and let’s credit Latvian stamina and determination and maybe even the previous government for it. What I am saying is that it indeed has been growing ever since. And industrial output, as on the graph, has indeed outdone the best pre-crash results of 2007 and early 2008.

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