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Safe next to Russia? Don’t fool yourself

Messages from Captain Obvious. What good is supposed to come about through tonnes of deliberate lies and utter lawlessness taking advantage of violent thugs and their addiction to harass, bully and humiliate the weaker? How’s capturing buildings and the act of civil defiance in Kiev different from that in Donetsk and other East Ukrainian places? […]

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Sudraba. Antipods

Inguna Sudraba. Avots: LETA Es vēroju pastiprināto uzmanību, kuru Ingunai Sudrabai velta mediji. Šķiet, pirms priekšpēdējām un pēdējām vēlēšanām Sudrabas kundzei klāt labinājušies krievu mediji, kas ļoti, pat ļoti izskatījās pēc vervēšanas un pierunāšanas „precēties” ar Saskaņu, bet varbūt tie mediji vienkārši, kā vienmēr, apkalpoja Saskaņas pasūtījumus – šoreiz ieskalot savu adeptu smadzenēs tieši Sudrabu.

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Konkurētspēja. Latvijai ir 6%

  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnIl212tBPk] Source: OECD.org Izskatās dramatiski. US, eurozona, Japāna, attīstītā pasaule zaudē pozīcijas, nozīmi, vietu pasaules spēku samērojumā. Pagaidām vēl ne, bet skaidrs, ka pavisam drīz, jau pēc gadiem desmit dzīvosim pasaulē ar daudz izteiktāku Ķīnas un non-OECD valstu dominanci. Par daudz ko var diskutēt, protams. Taču Ķīna būs lielākā ekonomika. Un jau sen

Konkurētspēja. Latvijai ir 6% Read More »

Demography to shatter core tax payment incentives

Much of the ongoing political debate in Latvia is on the deteriorating demography, Latvia is shrinking. More and more people are lamenting their no-pension old age. Here is a glimpse of what Johnny Åkerholm, President of the Nordic Investment Bank, said recently at a seminar on the future of the Nordic-Baltic integration. The basis for

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Rail Latvia. Build Latvia

Copied from Riga.in. My compliments to this terrific resource! Otherwise the pic has obviously been taken at a venue hosted by the Latvian state railway company. I couldn’t resist to post this image, otherwise widely known in the web at least in Latvia, or to people curious about the history of the railway transport in

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What’s Latvia good at?

Why is someone better off at producing hi-tech and why Latvia only seems to be good at digging holes? Morten Hansen is rightly pinpointing the disadvantages of the Latvian economic design: the lack of modern skills, inadequate supply of physical capital and the burden of an inflated public sector. Continuing the same logic, poor skills

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