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What have you done to stop Putin?

Isn’t this a legitimate question? Yes, for us too, here in the West. What have we done? We have been watching him mocking democratic freedoms and the rule of law in his own country, turning it into an absolutely corrupt monarchy. We have been watching him brainwashing, zombying the Russian society and millions of people […]

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Latvia to end up all alone against Mr Putin?

Discussing defence. A discussion on FB was triggered by the alarmist interpretation of the warnings offered by Andrei Illarionov, a former advisor to Vladimir Putin. Mr Illarionov suggests his former boss may target the Baltics, Finland and Poland in his “strategy” to “restore” the “empire”. This speculation has captured the imagination of many people, and

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Demokrātijas jaukumi uz viena necila piemēra

Socioloģiskā aptauja par atbalstu partijām Dānijā. Avots: b.dk Uz gaumīgas grafikas acis atpūšas. Vienmēr paticis, kā partiju reitingi tiek pasniegti Dānijā. Salīdziniet ar tizlajiem 19.gds. Excel attēliem Latvijas medijos. Jā, Dānijā tagad ir neliela valdības krīzīte. Viena partija, SF, Sociālistu tautas p., pametusi valdību pēc 19% akciju valsts energo uzņēmuma Dong Energy pārdošanas amerikāņu investīciju

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Riga in a context. An extremely unscientific snapshot analysis

Screenshot An incidental observation completely unrelated to any of the subjects I normally write on. When scrolling down a popular blog of a passionate Riga photographer, my eyes stopped on the visitor statistics. I don’t even try to compare mine with it, please don’t get me wrong—figures there are far beyond my imagination. What caught

Riga in a context. An extremely unscientific snapshot analysis Read More »

Being Nordic is not about being boring. It’s about not eating shit

Someone once said he wants Estonia to become another boring Nordic society. I know who said that, but his name is not important. Even for criticism, not important. Well, Estonia is boring, nothing happens there. Latvia is boring. Does it make Estonia any Nordic? No, it doesn’t, it leaves it where it’s always been, in

Being Nordic is not about being boring. It’s about not eating shit Read More »

A weapon against low self-esteem?

I couldn’t resist the temptation to borrow the following post from a Nordic-related discussion on Quora.com, keeping the original intact: Kurt Edlund: I know how the Finns act. Lived with them for almost 50 years. But because I am not a Finn (Finlandssvensk) and my grand, grand, great parents emigraded from Gävle in the 1750-ties

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Demography to shatter core tax payment incentives

Much of the ongoing political debate in Latvia is on the deteriorating demography, Latvia is shrinking. More and more people are lamenting their no-pension old age. Here is a glimpse of what Johnny Åkerholm, President of the Nordic Investment Bank, said recently at a seminar on the future of the Nordic-Baltic integration. The basis for

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LV in Eurovision. Rich enough to screw up?

What does Latvia have to say at the annual European vanity fair? Well, in terms of music, obviously not much. Sending crap year after year to Eurovision, Latvia doesn’t seem to care too much about waving its national colours on the highly regarded international stage. I’m sure, we should care more, since by sending crap

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Quick glimpses: the true ones, Nokia, reputation

What’s up today? Perussuomalaiset, of course. Nokia laying off people. Danish consumers pushing for more ethics in business. That’s my top for today. Just quick glimpses. The True Finns soften up their so-to-say anti-PIGS rhetoric. As said before, you may play whatever fool you want before the elections, but you’ll play by the rules when

Quick glimpses: the true ones, Nokia, reputation Read More »

Junior Nordics in the making

Here is a comment to a blog entry The best Balt will be Nordic posted on Economist.com on 22 December 2010. Estonia will be labelled as “Eastern Europe” only geographically. (..) officials and inhabitants prefer their country to be described as “Nordic”, distancing it from the less successful Balts. To rub in the difference, Estonia

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