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Russian soldiers rape, torture, kill and roll over people with tanks, because the Russian soldiers simply have guns and tanks. And they have tons and tons of Russia-above-all propaganda bullshit fed into their heads in the past 20 or so years, practically, for as long as they live. Perhaps, this is how the Russian soldiers see the true “Russian World,” the central construct of the Putin nazi “ideology.” 
Biden Calling for Russia Regime Change
Biden: For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power. Photo: Businessinsider.com

It’s not easy. Just thinking about it makes you sick. Did you know that meeting a Russian can be fatal for you? Women of the small town of Irpin, just off Kiyv, have obviously had a number of encounters of this type, the town’s mayor said. Hadn’t they been killed and rolled over their  bodies with a tank until they are smashed and squished into a puddle of guts, they would have probably added a few more details of their everyday life in the local version of the “Russian World.”    

Terrified? Does it turn your stomach? Is your heart aching? Cannot hold your tears?

Borodyanka, another small town in this same area held by the Russians until recently for a couple of weeks, looks even scarier, says President Zelenskyy. Does it really get any scarier?..

Did they kill those women because they were ordered to? Because not killing and not smashing them into a bloody pulp would have shortened the missile time-to-target bound for Putin’s bunker? Because if not for the Russian soldiers, then NATO troops and  Ukrainian “nationalists” would have blown themselves up and massacred all ethnic Russians in the area?

No, the Russian soldiers rape, torture, kill and roll over people with tanks, because the Russian soldiers simply have guns and tanks. And they have tons and tons of Russia-above-all propaganda bullshit fed into their heads in the past 20 or so years, practically, for as long as they live. 

Perhaps, this is how the Russian soldiers see the true “Russian World,” the central construct of the Putin nazi “ideology.” 

Still, they say, we haven’t it all yet. Borodyanka looks even scarier. And somewhere else is even scarier than Borodyanka. We haven’t yet seen the extent of the smouldering ruins of Mariupol.

Putin has made the Russian soldiers into ruthless killers, rippers, and nazis under the colours of the Victory Day, May 9th, which once commemorated the defeat of Nazism at the hand of the Russian soldier, a proud member of the Anti-Nazi Allied Forces. 

As he grabbed the power by rigging the elections and bulldozed Russia into a dictatorship, Putin stole the Victory Day and over the years turned it into a symbol of ruthless superiority, the cult of power and thuggish bullying. In 2022, the total revamp of May the 9th will reach its completion, painting the day into the colours of military crime and genocide, something the Trial of Nuremberg sentenced to hanging. 

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